Things To Check When Having A New Heating System Installation

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The Importance Of HVAC System Efficiency

Having the right heating and cooling system in a home or business can have a huge impact on the energy costs associated with HVAC systems. Units that are too large or too small are unable to properly heat or cool a building at maximum efficiency. Hello, my name is Roland, and if you're interested in learning everything you can about HVAC systems, you'll find the information you need in this blog. I belong to an environmental organization that helps homeowners and business owners learn how to reduce their energy costs. Our organization helps people save money on their energy bills, and while doing so, this also helps the planet. I've written this blog to help others learn about HVAC systems and how qualified HVAC contractors can help them save money and help the environment.

Things To Check When Having A New Heating System Installation

23 April 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Because heating uses up the most energy in your home, sometimes up to 42%, consider this when installing a new heating system. As much as you want your heating needs met effectively, you still don't want to pay huge bills if you can avoid it. Whether you are replacing an old system or installing it for the first time, check these points first:

  • Do you have a service provider?
  • What's your budget?
  • Have you looked at the different options in the market?
  • What's your fuel of choice?

Know the Different Fuel Options in the Market

You can choose to use natural gas, electricity, oil, or propane. Natural gas is the most common fuel used because it is readily available and cheaper. In 2017-2018, 47% of homes in the United States used natural gas compared with 40% who opted for electricity, and only 5% used propane or heating oil.

By 2011, the number of households using natural gas had risen to nearly half of all homes in the US at 49%. Choosing a popular fuel means it's readily available, minimizing inconveniences when you run out of it. 

How Big Is Your Home?

A bigger home will need a more extensive system to meet the heat demand. Buying a small heating system will cost much less, but the unit will overwork, breaking down often, and it will not serve you effectively. You'll also lower its lifespan. If you are not sure, talk to a heating installation expert, probably go through your home with them and check various heating systems together. 

If the system is too big, it will short-cycle often, leading to mechanical problems. It will also be hard to maintain optimal temperatures and will use more energy. 

The Cost

The cost of a heating unit is probably a primary consideration before settling for any installation. The price will depend on brand, size, capabilities, and type of fuel. Even before you check the costs, understand your needs and choose a more efficient, greener option. 

An energy-efficient system can lower your energy consumption bill by up to 30%. When your budget is low, check the financing options available rather than buy a cheaper but less efficient unit.

Check the Energy Star labels on appliances before purchase. Also, after installation, carry out regular and proper maintenance practices. This will prolong the unit's life and offer more efficient services. A modern heating system should last for more than 15 years depending on the make, fuel used, and maintenance. 

Contact a heating system installation provider to learn more.