Dealing With A Lack Of Hot Water From A Gas Boiler

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The Importance Of HVAC System Efficiency

Having the right heating and cooling system in a home or business can have a huge impact on the energy costs associated with HVAC systems. Units that are too large or too small are unable to properly heat or cool a building at maximum efficiency. Hello, my name is Roland, and if you're interested in learning everything you can about HVAC systems, you'll find the information you need in this blog. I belong to an environmental organization that helps homeowners and business owners learn how to reduce their energy costs. Our organization helps people save money on their energy bills, and while doing so, this also helps the planet. I've written this blog to help others learn about HVAC systems and how qualified HVAC contractors can help them save money and help the environment.

Dealing With A Lack Of Hot Water From A Gas Boiler

30 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Do you have to heat water up on the stove to use for bathing because no hot water comes through the faucets? If you have taken a look at the gas boiler and can't figure out what the problem is, calling a professional to assist is the best resolution. A boiler has numerous parts that plays a role in how it functions to send hot water through the plumbing system. An inspection of the boiler will help you determine if it is damaged beyond repair, as a replacement will be necessary in such a case. Below, there is a list of gas boiler problems that can lead to water not getting hot.

Something is Wrong with the Gas Valve

The valve to a gas boiler is one of the vital parts that is needed for water to get hot. Without the valve being functional, it is possible that the boiler will not receive any gas. In such a case, no pilot flame will ignite for combustion to occur and heat the water up. The valve may have closed up and simply need to be reopened, which can be done by a professional if you can't do it on your own. It is also possible for the valve to get stuck from corrosion, but old valves can be removed so a replacement can be installed.

The Boiler Thermostat Has Problems

Obtaining hot water from a boiler isn't possible if the thermostat is unable to be set to a temperature that produces heat. Get the thermostat checked out by a professional so he or she can disassemble it and pinpoint problems that are possibly present. You can play around with the thermostat to determine if it is able to heat the water up, such as by turning the temperature up higher. It is also a good idea to lower the temperature, as it might actually produce heat if the thermostat is broken. For example, the needle might be damaged and not displaying the correct temperature that the boiler is actually set to.

There is an Insufficient Supply of Electricity

A professional might check to ensure that your gas boiler is receiving a sufficient supply of electricity. For instance, bad wiring can lead to the boiler only receiving a small amount of electrical volts. Although your hot water is heated by gas, the boiler still has to receive electricity to work, unless you have a boiler that solely runs on gas. If bad wires is the root of the problem, getting them repaired by a professional, like those at R & B Inc Heating & Air Conditioning, might be the resolution. You should also check to see if a circuit breaker is off, as turning it on might be all that your boiler needs.