How To Change Or Clean Your Furnace Filter

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The Importance Of HVAC System Efficiency

Having the right heating and cooling system in a home or business can have a huge impact on the energy costs associated with HVAC systems. Units that are too large or too small are unable to properly heat or cool a building at maximum efficiency. Hello, my name is Roland, and if you're interested in learning everything you can about HVAC systems, you'll find the information you need in this blog. I belong to an environmental organization that helps homeowners and business owners learn how to reduce their energy costs. Our organization helps people save money on their energy bills, and while doing so, this also helps the planet. I've written this blog to help others learn about HVAC systems and how qualified HVAC contractors can help them save money and help the environment.

How To Change Or Clean Your Furnace Filter

5 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Your furnace is vital to the operation and efficiency of your central heating and air conditioning. A slow or inefficient furnace will reduce the airflow and cold air production of your air conditioner. Of course, it will also reduce heat production. Perhaps the easiest and most vital furnace maintenance task is to keep your filter clean at all times. You can either change or clean your filter, depending on how dirty it is. This article explains how to do it.

Removing Your Furnace Filter

You might need to change your furnace filter once a month or at least every few months. Of course, this depends on how often you run your furnace and air conditioning. On most modern furnaces you don't even need any tools to change the filter. The filter is located between the sidewall of the main cabinet and the intake duct. It slides into a small slot with ease. Once you locate the filter, just slide it out. If your filter is dirty, it is usually best to just replace it with a new one. However, if the ridges still look to be bright and white, you can keep it. Filters are very affordable, so most people just decide to buy a new one instead of trying to clean the ridges.

Cleaning the Filter Slot

While your filter is removed, you need clean the slot out. You can usually snake a hose vacuum deep into the slot to clean all the way to the back. You can also wipe it down with a damp rag if you can fit your hand in there. You should definitely use a flashlight and look for any mold buildup inside the filter compartment and adjoining ducts. Any mold is probably being blown into your home, so this is a problem that you want to fix immediately.

Replacing the Filter

Whether you replace your filter with a new one or just put the old one back, it is very important that you make sure it is all the way in the slot. If it is not pushed all the way in, dirty air can get into your furnace and cause your motor to get dirty quickly.

Checking and replacing your furnace filter is definitely worth doing every single year. It is a great way to make sure you're doing your part to keep your furnace running efficiently. If you fail to maintain your furnace, your system will end up being more expensive to run and your utility bills will show this. For more tips, talk with a company like Apollo Heating & Air Conditioning.