How To Clean Your Furnace Cabinet

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The Importance Of HVAC System Efficiency

Having the right heating and cooling system in a home or business can have a huge impact on the energy costs associated with HVAC systems. Units that are too large or too small are unable to properly heat or cool a building at maximum efficiency. Hello, my name is Roland, and if you're interested in learning everything you can about HVAC systems, you'll find the information you need in this blog. I belong to an environmental organization that helps homeowners and business owners learn how to reduce their energy costs. Our organization helps people save money on their energy bills, and while doing so, this also helps the planet. I've written this blog to help others learn about HVAC systems and how qualified HVAC contractors can help them save money and help the environment.

How To Clean Your Furnace Cabinet

2 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Did you know that your furnace is central to both the heating and cooling of your home. If your furnace is not functioning properly, your house will not be energy efficient during the summer or winter. Luckily, there are a few simple checks and repairs you can do on your own to ensure that your furnace is running efficiently. This article explains how to basically clean the main compartment of the cabinet that house the fan, evaporator and engine. It might not instantly increase the airflow of your HVAC system, but it will certainly help in small ways and ensure that your furnace lasts longer and is a little more energy efficient.

Accessing the Furnace Cabinet

Accessing and cleaning your furnace cabinet is simple and does not require many tools. Most modern furnaces have an access door that can be opened without any tools. Some older furnaces require that you loosen a few screws to remove the access panel. Either way, you will need a flashlight to see inside the main cabinet. Some furnaces will have a power switch on the outside of the cabinet, while others will have it just inside the cabinet. If you can't find one, turn the power off at the breaker because you definitely don't want the furnace to start up while you are working inside the cabinet.

Cleaning Out the Compartment

All you really need to clean out your furnace is a damp rag and a hose vacuum. First, wipe down the side walls and fan blades with a damp rag. Then, use the hose vacuum to suck up any dust or dirt that is inside. Pay close attention to the intake valves and ducts, especially where the furnace filter is. You should also check to make sure that there is no rust or mold inside.

Cleaning the Evaporator

You also need to clean around the evaporator. This a triangle shaped device that is usually inside the main compartment. On some furnaces it will be in a separate compartment attached to the cabinet. Either way, you can use a hose vacuum to clean the perimeter. You might also want to wipe around the coils with a damp rag. Any dust built up on the evaporator can slow down the heat transfer process and ultimately decrease the effectiveness of your AC and furnace system.

Cleaning your furnace cabinet is not too demanding. But if you neglect this basic maintenance, your furnace will drag. Contact a business that specializes in furnace repair for more information.